Property for Sale

Members wishing to list a property or fraction(s) for sale on this page are invited to do so by completing a QEV Property for Sale form.  The same form can be used to amend or remove a listing.

To see the list of properties or fractions for sale, follow this link:  Property for Sale List

To see a plan of QEV showing the properties and pools, follow this link:  Plan of QEV

Prospective purchasers can find information about QEV in both English and Portuguese in our Introduction to QEV

The pools at Plots 153, 154 and 155 and Casa Encosta were purchased in 2019 by a separate company, QEV Holdings Limited, wholly owned by those owners who have subscribed for the share in the company - See the Property for Sale list for information on whether or not the current owner of the property for sale has subscribed for a share in QEV Holdings Limited.   If the property is subscribed, the shareholding will be transferred to any new owner.  If the property is not subscribed, the new owner may purchase a share – contact for further information

Following the successful pilot phase of this project in 2021, it will run until further notice.